Our Lawyers

Lic. Alejandro Flores


Professional experience

His professional practice starts in the Ministry of Finance and Public Credit/Tax Administration Service, in the Local Legal Administrations of Guadalajara and Aguascalientes, Customs Administration of Matamoros and in the Western Regional Legal Support Administration.

In the private initiative, he worked in the legal management of a business group, and in the independent professional practice, his legal practice specializes in Tax-Legal, Corporate, Contractual, Patrimonial and National and International Business.


He has a Master’s Degree in Business Law from the Universidad Panamericana (Campus Gdl); Master’s Degree in Tax Law from the Specialization Institute for Executives; Specialty in Constitutional and Amparo, Corporate and Procedural Tax by the Universidad Panamericana (Campus Gdl); Diploma in Taxes from the Autonomous Technological Institute of Mexico (ITAM); Diploma in Tax Crimes from the Escuela Libre de Derecho.

Lic. Joaquín Aguirre

Lawyer specialized in tax practice

Professional experience

He has a Master’s Degree in Taxes from the Institute of Specialization for Executives, and a specialty in Law of Obligations and Contracts from the Universidad Panamericana (Campus Gdl). He is certified by the CNBV in matters of Prevention of Operations with Resources of Illicit Origin and Financing of Terrorism.

Lic. Luis Delgadillo


Professional experience
Lawyer specialized in tax and corporate practice, as well as in the tax analysis of corporate and financial operations. He has a Master’s Degree in Taxes from the Institute of Specialization for Executives and a Specialty in Law of Obligations and Contracts from the Universidad Panamericana (Campus Gdl).

Lic. William Bojorge


Professional experience
With experience in public service: Federal Court of Administrative Justice (TFJA), Tax Administration Service (SAT) and Taxpayer Defense Attorney (PRODECON).

Lawyer specialized in consulting and litigation in Tax-Administrative, Constitutional and Amparo matters. He has a Master’s Degree in Taxes from the Enrique Díaz de León University, as well as studies in the Specialty in Constitutional and Amparo from the Pan-American University (GDL Campus).


Lic. Alejandro Salaiza Muñoz

Legal Support
Lawyer specialized in tax and corporate practice.


Lic. Axel Escamilla

Legal Support
Lawyer specialized in tax and corporate practice.

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Clarisa García

Law Intern

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Lic. Raúl Reynoso

Degree in Law


L.A. Martha González

Administrative Collaborator